5 days to buy a fake degree from the University of Wales Institute,Cardiff.

5 days to buy a fake degree from the University of Wales Institute,Cardiff.
5 days to buy a fake degree from the University of Wales Institute,Cardiff.

Cardiff, the city where UWIC University is located, is a vibrant seaside city and the capital of Wales, with large event venues such as the National Stadium, the National Museum of Wales, the Welsh Life Museum, and the National Theatre of Wales. There are large and small international or national events held throughout the year. Information about various activities can be obtained through the Cardiff Visitor Centre or the University’s Student Union, where students can not only be impressed by the friendliness of the people of Cardiff, but also experience the fashionable life of the metropolis. The UWIC College consists of eight faculties, spread across four teaching campuses:

· Colchester Avenue Campus: Business, Hospitality, Tourism and leisure

Cyncoed Campus: Education and sports majors and student housing

· Howard Gardens Campus: Art and Design

Llandaff campus: Applied Sciences, Art and Design, Health and social sciences, and Product and engineering design.

The school also has two other residential campuses. The university’s own bus service operates six days a week between the university-owned campus and the city centre.